Free: A Child and a Country at the End of History
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Author : Lea Ypi
Title : Free: A Child and a Country at the End of History
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For precocious 11-year-old Lea Ypi, Albania?s Soviet-style socialism held the promise of a preordained future, a guarantee of security among enthusiastic comrades. That is, until she found herself clinging to a stone statue of Joseph Stalin, newly beheaded by student protests.Communism had failed to deliver the promised utopia. One?s ?biography??class status and other associations long in the past?put strict boundaries around one?s individual future. When Lea?s parents spoke of relatives going to ?university? or ?graduating,? they were speaking of grave secrets Lea struggled to unveil. And when the early ?90s saw Albania and other Balkan countries exuberantly begin a transition to the ?free market,? Western ideals of freedom delivered chaos: a dystopia of pyramid schemes, organized crime, and sex trafficking.With her elegant, intellectual, French-speaking grandmother; her radical-chic father; and her staunchly anti-socialist, Thatcherite mother to guide her through these disorienting .
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